Assembling Keypack Key Organizer is pretty easy and can be fun. Watch the video and learn how to add or remove keys.
1) When assembling your key organiser, ensure that the screw threads go almost through the full lenght of screw nuts.
Depending on a size of your keys, you might be able to accommodate up to 16 keys in the Keypack. However, if you intend to carry the Key Organizer in your pocket, you may want to keep the number of keys below 8.
It is perfectly fine to add keys that are not symmetric, or the the hole is placed in an offset position. Depending on the shape of the key, parts of it might be sticking out of the Keypack.
The distance between both holes in Keypack is 77mm. Whilst it is generally possible to add keys that are longer than that, those keys will likely stick out beyond the outline of the organizer.
It may be necessay to tighten up the screws every couple months. However, if screws loosen up more often, and you have followed the guidance from the section 'Keeping screws tight' above, you may want to contact us and request a nut-locking set. When contacting us, please provide the order number and order date.